Menswear - Fashion For Men 

"Are Men Just As Fashion Focused As Women" 

By: Tim Taylor 

For ages, men have scorned women about their obsession with buying clothes or spending ungodly amounts of time reading fashion magazines and window shopping. We go on and on about how their closets are running over with all this stuff. Most of the time, women don't even put up a fight against the onslaught. Maybe out of an inward knowing that they do spend a substantial amount of time shopping or thinking about shopping for clothes and shoes. But are men just as fashion conscious as women? Are we prone to give sway to the next new style in menswear? Of course, most will respond with a resounding "NO". So let's test that theory and see if it holds water.

The problem with admitting how close we run in this race is not using the proper lingo when investigating this phenomenon. While there are some magazines and shops that cater to men of this taste, by far, women are tempted with more "hi-fashion" clothing options. That's where the difference lies. Most men perceive infatuation with hi fashion as gay or at least metro-sexual. However, when you boil it down to its base substance, men are just as fashion and style conscious as women...Maybe more so.

Now before you blow a fuse, let's dive into some indisputable facts about menswear and its roots in style and fashion:

Men Are You Guilty Of Any Of These?

Take The Test And Become A Believer!

Have You Ever:

Gone into a shoe store and asked for the latest Airforce 1s, Jordans, Chuck Taylors or Tims and when the sales person said no and offered you an off brand name you refused to even consider them? (I've seen countless women come into stores and ask for a knock off of a designer item. Rarely have I witnessed this with their male counterpart)
Laughingly referred to a pair of sneakers as Bo-Bos and ridiculed anyone who wore them?
Purposely wore your pants too big and sagging while sporting your BVDs or boxers of varying colors? (Dingy dirty doesn't count)
Wore a wife-beater t-shirt with jeans in public?
Considered your wardrobe while you stood at the counter choosing whether to buy your bling?
Laid out your clothes on the bed or held them next to you in front of a mirror as you prepared to head out for the day; no particular occasion?
Watched a music video and wished you looked that cool?
Watched a music video and went out and bought the identical ensemble as the artist? Or watched any movie and it inspired you to choose an outfit.
Struck a pose as if you wanted the viewer to take you all in when you were spontaneously asked to take a picture?
Purchased anything other than a stud for your earring(S)?
Walked the mall or shopping center looking for the right shirt and tie because you didn't care for the ones provided in the shop where you got your suit?

And the smoking gun of all evidence that you, as manly as you are, have been infected with the fashion bug is:

You pitched a fit when your mother or significant other and even friends told you to just wear something out of your closet to go hang out and socialize with your friends when you couldn't get them to cough up the funds for you to go buy your "cool" clothes.

If you are guilty of committing any of these acts, you should be labeled as a hypocrite whenever you accuse women as ultra sensitive to fashion. The term designer is not exclusive to women's wardrobes. Menswear consists of designer shirts, designer neckties, designer suits, designer shoes for men, designer hats, designer handkercheifs. You get the picture. These are not just everyday wear, but items that are styled for the discriminating taste of MEN. It's not just for wealthy or hi-profile men either. You can find out of the ordinary fashions and styles in the closets of men in practically every age, community and income group. and they're not all gay. 

Probably the biggest reason we men get a pass from women is we don't give ourselves away so easy. We don't go all out about how the other guy looks and asks where he got his outfit. We don't get all giddy about finding the right outfit and text or send our buddy a picture of it. We don't request our ladies sit for a one person fashion show followed by a critique of the look. We don't second guess ourselves and take the outfit back after keeping it for days or weeks. We don't buy multiple outfits and bring all but one back and sometimes all of them because we just can't make up our minds. These actions are all distractions and side bars that make us men look less absorbed with fashion; but make no mistake we have been infected and sadly, there is no antidote in the foreseeable future. Only denial. Give in to your sickness and at least get the best necktie money can buy.

What do you think? Does your man show signs of having the fashion bug? Comment below. Share this article.  



● Ascot Ties Review
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◦  What's An Ascot Tie
◦  Knot Necktie Patterns
◦  A Cravat
◦  How To Wear Ties
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This silk printed ascot by boxed-gifts looks smart and snazzy with my fancier clothes when I dress up for a party or even a somewhat less formal occasion. The way it puffs out makes it appear very classy and that's excellent. This ascot gives a formal and sophisticated look to a man's appearance so I wouldn't advise wearing this with a T-shirt and jeans! Whatever you decide, don't be fooled--this may not be the most popular necktie for gents, but wow, how it looks GREAT when I wear it to a holiday office party in a hotel or if I am going out to dinner in a fancy restaurant.

It's not tied exactly the same way as you would tie a regular tie; but then again it's not that different, either. You'll learn how to tie it without much difficulty.

Although this ascot comes in brown and red, the more conservative choices are blue and black; blue and black will probably go with the widest variety of outfits you could wear. Of course, you might want brown or red depending on the colors of the outfit you want to wear it with.

Give this ascot serious consideration when choosing a necktie, guys! It's very classy, not that hard to tie, and it looks extremely sophisticated without a doubt. It's an excellent alternative to a regular gentleman's tie

Matthew G Sherwin

I bought this about two months ago. I bought the light blue one, it is a few feet long and at first complicated to tie. But then I stopped being an idiot and go the right method. I wear it with gray and white, tucked in. The reactions are mostly mixed. At my school the more conservative guys will call it gay, almost all women will like it, and the more normal guys will appreciate the class. I wear it tucked in and I think it looks awesome. The material is pretty light, perfect for summer or spring. To be honest, the first I wore it, i was embarrassed, but don't be. You'll stand out to others and really make an impression! I am right about to buy my second as well.

Daniel Hamilton, Ohio 

I love this look, the women love it and men hate on you. If you don't mind standing out and looking good this is for you, if not stick with a tie. Great quality and gets a lot of attention.

Playa Hate, Orlando FL