How To Tie An Ascot
Tying, necktie knots, windsor tie knot
Regardless as to how you search, I've seen it spelled so many ways such as:
Wear Tie, Knot neckties, neck tie windsor knot, how to tie scarves,
tie necktie knot, necktie tying, you name it, we all come to that cross road where we are
faced with learning to tie a neck piece or relegating ourselves to clip and snap on neck ties. That doesn't have to
be the case. Tying a neck tie whether it be a scarf, ascot or basic neck tie is really easy.
As with anything else, you have choices, but either way looks great and gets the job done. The average person can't
look at a tied knot and tell you what kind of a knot it is. There are basically four knots used in tying neck
ties: The windsor knot, the four in hand knot, the pratt knot and the lesser known shell
knot. Since this is for the ascot, I'll focus on the ways it can be tied.
Actually, an ascot is more forgiving in your failures to tie it correctly. You can almost get away with just
wrapping it around and bunching it up in the front and adding a stylish pin and the average person would never
know. But to not cut corners look at the examples below to find out how. I might post a video as
How to tie an Ascot Tie

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