Knot Necktie Patterns
There are
basically four Knot
necktie patterns: The Windsor, which comes
in the half windsor knot tie, The Pratt and The Four in Hand
Knot. And one lesser known pattern, The Shell Knot. The average viewer would
not be able to tell the difference between either. The biggest give away is the size of the knot and the
uneven-ness of one side of the knot.
The Windsor Knot is the quickest to tie and is the one with the
uneven look to the knot. However, with the collar down and hiding some of the knot, it's difficult to see. It
makes a full loop around one side of the smallest part of the
tie and a half loop
around the other.
The Pratt knot tie has the most
movements to make it. It gives itself away by being the widest knot. It makes a full loop around both sides of the
tie before being pulled through and shaped. Knot neck tie patterns are the most frustrating of part of tying a
tie. There's been many codes or sayings to help with necktie knots. Something about a rabbit going
in and out of the hole, but with a little practice, you can become a pro. Just pick a tying method that's
easiest for you and stick with it.
Half Windsor Knot
Most common
Four in hand knot

These were the most detailed I could find on the net.
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