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What's An Ascot Tie
Basically, an Ascot tie is a fancy handkerchief for the neck. It was invented in Europe during the 17th century and
found its way into Italy where they took it to dizzying heights of style and sophistication. Today, they are widely
worn all over the world by the likes of all men and women of royal nobility, the political arena, among celebrities
and sports figures as well as entertainers and everyday styles
Ascots can be worn in a formal or casual setting. It all depends on the type of fabric its made of, which can be
silk, cotton, or polyester. It's usually colorful and it takes up the bulk of the neck area. The way its tied also
determines what type of setting its appropriate for.
The "neck band" can be accessorized with jewelry and pins to add extra zing to your outfit, but it does just as
well as a stand alone. They come in solid and pattern print. The ascot comes from an older style neck tie called a
"cravat". Though few knew what is was, the character Fred Jones of the scooby Doo cartoon series worn an orange
ascot. Moat probably thought it was a handkerchief wrapped around his neck, hence, the reason I called it that
earlier. It's no more difficult to tie an ascot tie than
any other tie.
