How To Wear Ties
Wear Ties That Fit Your Personality
How to wear ties may seem a little silly to address, but there are quite a few people who dress as if they
don't know how to wear a tie. First off, ties are designed to make a statement. You can easily get away with
wearing a suit or shirt with no tie at all. Many people do it. There are many fashions that allow for the absence
of a tie, but if you're going to wear ties, you need to at least know the basics. The best neck
ties are worn correctly. Whether you like it or not, it forms an impression of you
Remember, a tie is a neck tie, not a neck noose. There have been people who have actually passed out from tying a
tie too tight. You should be able to easily stick your finger between your neck and shirt collar and move it around
the circumference of you neck. Skinny ties work best with long button down shirts or slacks and sports coat. Never
wear a skinny tie with a vest or vest jacket.
Short sleeve shirts are the worst for any type of tie, unless you keep your jacket on and no one will know. It
makes you look geeky, unless that's the image you want to portray. The days of sticking the end of your tie inside
your space between your buttons are over. And unless you're around machines with fast moving parts, don't tuck your
tie into your waist band...ever.
Unlike a cravat or ascot, there is a limited environment for ties being worn for casual wear. Dress casual, but not
casual. Solid color ties go well with any outfit as long as you coordinate your colors. It's been
done, but you really don't want to wear a tie with Polo type shirts nor shirts with little or no
collar. You have just been schooled on "How To Wear Ties".
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